
Well the season is almost upon us and we can now let you know when we will be playing this season.

Mondays - afternoon and evenings

Tuesday  - afternoons

Wednesday - afternoons and evenings

Thursday - afternoons 

Friday - open days

Saturdays - afternoons

So now is the time to make your mind up and let us know which teams you are available to play for. Please let secretary Jeff know or use our face book page if you are a member.

If you are new or considering taking up our great sport now is the time to get In touch, just message us on this site.



Leeds league half-holiday fixtures now available. A team in division two while the B team are in division four. First up for A team home to Pudsey Park A, while B team start away to Pudsey Park B. Both games set for Wednesday 2nd April.



Urgent and important news

The committee would urge all members to show their displeasure at the Leeds city council decision to close over 50% of the council greens. An online consultation is now available, we ask all members to engage and urge the council to rethink this decision. link 



We hope everyone had a good Christmas and we wish all a good new year. We can now look forward to the new season and will be looking for teams to enter the leagues, so please let us know if you are interested and in what days you are available. Please let Jeff or one of the committee members know or use the members Facebook account.

New players are very welcome



The work parties have been busy getting the green ready for next year.

A big thanks to all those involved

The gutters have been dug out and the infill replica grass has been brushed and cleaned with new grass bought to replace the worn-out parts.

Weed suppressant film is now ready to be cut and fitted after the white board has been painted.

The club has also paid for the ivy, weeds and bushes to be removed from the side of the clubhouse and again weed repellent film has already been laid to hopefully give us a new base for an extended space outside the clubhouse. (This is still work in progress but hopefully ready for the new season).

We are still in the process of trying to remove the moss from the paths (this is ongoing)

The council have treated. tined and scarified the green and also removed trees and bushes that have overgrown over the years allowing a lot more light onto the green to hopefully improve growth.

The committee would like to thank those people who have made this possible and look forward to bringing you more news on repairs and improvements (with winter upon us things will obviously slow down) soon.

Check gallery for images of updates